Main Page
Frequently asked quantum questions (FAQQ) is a wikimedia website towards answering, in a well-referenced fashion, common statements, assertions, and misconceptions about how quantum computing will effect Bitcoin along with the rest of the blockchain space.
- Bitcoin's developers have already planned for this.
- Bitcoin will just hard/softfork
- If they can break SHA_256, we’ll upgrade to SHA_384
- But if you don’t reuse addresses, you’re safe because BTC only exposes the hash of your public key if you have never transferred BTC from that address
- Quantum computing is a long ways away, there's no need to bother
- If ECDSA will be broken, banks and the whole internet is broken. Blockchain is the least we’ll need to worry about then.
Further reading
Current News Articles
- 03/2023 revolutionary material may solve key quantum computing issue for IBM and Google
- 03/2023 record room temperature superconductor could boost quantum computer chips
- 02/2023 scalable superconducting quantum computers
- 02/2023 google / alphabet: advances in qauntum computer error correction
- 02/2023 is it time to start worrying about quanum computing security?
- 01/2023 Quantum physicists determine how to control 2 quantum light sources rather than one
- 01/2023 Quantum Computer With Billions of Qubits Closer After New Spin Control Method Discovered
- 01/2023 Breaking RSA with a quantum computer
Series: Quantum resistant blockchain and cryptocurrency, the full analysis
- Laying the groundwork
- Blockchain mathematical concepts
- Quantum resistant blockchains explained
- Challenges in upgrading existing blockchains
- Challenges in upgrading existing blockchains, continued
- Why BTC is vulnerable for quantum attacks sooner than todays estimates
- Common arguments and false claims
Academic Papers
- Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them
- Quantum Resource Estimates for Computing Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithms
This site is put together by contributing members from the Quantum Resistant Ledger.